[lug] Update with New Actiontec Modem

Matt Thompson thompsma at colorado.edu
Tue Apr 6 16:59:41 MDT 2004

OK, folks, I got that new modem from Qwest (the GT701-WG) and it seems 
to be working fine but for one niggle.  It seems as if there might be a 
weird firmware/software bug.  For some reason on my PPPoA password...it 
lowercased it in one area.  Thus, I could never authenticate.

So, if you get this modem and have some odd problem, check the 
"Non-Windows Setup" area and check to see if the case on your password 
is all good.

As for the wireless part...well, I have no wireless devices, so I don't 
know.  I suppose I could open it up and watch the packets appear from 
other apartments...

I am a theoretical chemist.  Fear me!
   The Matt -- http://ucsub.colorado.edu/~thompsma/

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