[lug] Did Linus really not write Linux?

Warren Sanders warren at sandersonline.org
Mon May 24 10:21:21 MDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

Ferdinand Schmid wrote:

|He's the guy - but he wrote Minix before Linus wrote Linux.  In fact
Linux ran
|Minix as his development platform when he wrote Linux - based on AT's
|article.  Generally I do have to say that some Unix folks think they
are much
|better than the general public.  It has been that way as long as I can
|remember (my personal experience starts in the early to mid 80ies).  
|As a scientist I do have to say that Linus should have given proper
credit to
|prior art.  AT is correct about that.  Linus did what AT had done
before - he
|implemented Unix himself to avoid dealing with the greedy Unix companies.

I tend to disagree.  If Linus had used code from the Minix project
then of course credit is due.  However I don't think it is necessary
that you pay credit to all your teachers from the past in everything
you do.  I don't see credit being given to Rasmus Lerdorf in all the
PHP web apps out there!  It's just book knowledge.

- --
Warren Sanders
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