[lug] Grep question

Daniel Webb lists at danielwebb.us
Fri Jul 23 15:58:17 MDT 2004

On Fri, 23 Jul 2004, Matt Thompson wrote:

> If someone here is bored enough to try this, I think a new lesspipe.sh
> would get you there about halfway or more.  Its core is a long elif
> list, and you can already do a "less tar.gz:contained_file" to see
> something in a tarball.
> Now, oddly, it doesn't handle .pdf.gz, but does .ps.gz.  I'm guessing
> that's a bug between pdftotext, gzip, and -, but I'm not bored enough to
> track it down.

Thanks for the tip, I didn't know about lesspipe, it's really useful!  I
doubt if I'll have time to make a "greppipe", but who knows.

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