[lug] Redhat 8 and CD writer

John Hernandez John.Hernandez at noaa.gov
Wed Jul 28 15:44:37 MDT 2004

Gordon Golding wrote:
> I have a couple of questions.  Anybody can give some guidance?
> We have a windows PC with Redhat 8.0
> We want to back it up.  We'd very much like to use something other than tape; we'd like it compatible with microsoft PCs.
> We can't attach a USB 2.0 external drive because it doesn't "quite" work. 

Are you talking about a dual-boot system with both Windows and Redhat 
8.0?  Or just an x86 computer running Linux?  What exactly do you want 
to "back up?"  Everything on the hard drive, or just some data within a 
partition?  CD-R(W) or DVD-R(W) are probably good candidates in either case.

> Would a USB 1.1 external drive be supported by Redhat 8.0?

An external hard drive?  I think it would be supported, but I'm not sure.

> The windows PC reads the CD just fine.  As far as I know, the CD is HSFS.  If we used a PC with a CD/DVD RW, that would allow us to backup the Server - we wouldn't need the external drive.

Now I'm really confused.  What CD?

> If the CD works, should a CD-RW work?  Would the DVD RW work?

Internal IDE CD-R(W) and DVD-R(W) drives are generally well supported 
under RH8.0.  You'll probably need some additional (free) software to 
write DVD's, like growisofs or cdrecord-ProDVD.


  |  John Hernandez - NOAA Boulder NOC - 303-497-6392
  |  Mailstop R/OM62. 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305
  |  PGP Public Key ID: 586A7E23

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