[lug] apache config, TLSv1 versus SSLv2?

Ed Moxley ed at moxleynet.com
Sun Sep 4 16:36:48 MDT 2005

On Sun, 2005-09-04 at 14:59, David L. Anselmi wrote:
> David L. Anselmi wrote:
> > Lee Woodworth wrote:
> > [...]
> > 
> >> TLS 1 is essentially SSL 3. TLS is a 'standard' while SSL is a
> >> netscape specification. SSL 2 has security issues so I wouldn't
> >> allow it for the server or for your browser.
> > 
> > Is that a vulnerability in the SSL v2 protocol, or in some 
> > implementations of it?  Do you have any details?
> Never mind.  There are protocol vulnerabilities (and not that easy to 
> find a concise description of them).  But some are here:
> http://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mdr/teaching/modules03/security/students/SS8a/SSLTLS.html
> (and some of what's there applies to TLS).
> Dave

As the final line in "Conclusions" says in the link you reference above:

> What is for sure, is that the cracking of SSL must almost certainly
> take place at the time of the handshake, since this is the vulnerable
> part where unencrypted communication takes place.

Seems pretty concise and googling for SSL v2 exploits/vulnerabilities
appears to validate that statement.

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