[lug] Off topic: java form-based authentication in a client program

bgiles at coyotesong.com bgiles at coyotesong.com
Wed Aug 30 16:47:53 MDT 2006

Web services description language, iirc.

If you're doing web services you should have libraries that already handle
all of the grunt work.  Establishing connections, marshalling and
unmarshalling objects between POJOs and XML, etc.  You have the Sun JWSDP
(Java web services development p???), right?  I can't tell you much about
those libraries since I've only used jaxb, to do the POJO/XML marshalling.

> On Wed, 2006-08-30 at 15:07 -0600, bgiles at coyotesong.com wrote:
>> Nope -- form-based authentication passes the username & password to the
>> j_security_check action.  That action sets a JSESSIONID cookie that's
>> used
>> to identify the client in subsequent visits.
> Yeah, that's essentially what I've found via the net.  This afternoon I
> stumbled upon this discussion:
> http://forum.java.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=546542&messageID=3570163
> Which has a code snippet for handling it.  I'm just not sure how to
> integrate it with the WSDL stuff we're using too (WSDL being a Yet
> Another Foreign Acronym for me at this point).
> Thanks for the tips.
> --
> Michael J. Hammel                                    Senior Software
> Engineer
> mjhammel at graphics-msue.org
> http://graphics-muse.org
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