[lug] HTML terminal?

bgiles at coyotesong.com bgiles at coyotesong.com
Thu Dec 7 10:49:20 MST 2006

> On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 10:22:11AM -0700, bgiles at coyotesong.com wrote:
>> shudder
> Yep.  I go back and forth constantly on the question of if I
> even want to set this up.  Lots of benefits, but lots of
> risk too.  Especially if I'm many thousands of miles away
> from the server.

Could you just create canned commands?  You could still get the results
back via HTML.

BTW the HTML-ification can be fairly simple.  Return a header ending with
<pre><tt> and then go through a loop where you read data from the
subshell, escape <, > and &, and then write it to the browser.  Just flush
periodically to get past any local buffering.

If the subshell ends, write </tt></pre> and then any footer.

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