[lug] best practices yum updates centos server

karl horlen horlenkarl at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 22 21:57:04 MST 2007

thanks for the post... you've helped me feel more
secure about this..

> >3) where do you monitor (sites/email lists) for
> >special show stopper security updates or other

> The redhat security lists apply, since centos is
> basically a clone of 
> RHEL. The package updates for security seem to be
> quite fast though.

Can you be a little more specific here.  what site
link?  and where do i pull the security updates from
specifically - centos site or rhel?  

I think what you are saying is to monitor the latest
updates on rhel site BUT then wait for them to get
ported over to centos.  When they are ported over,
then yum pull it from centos site.  Correct?

If that's the case, what centos yum repo does one pull
the fixes from (or are they just patched in to
whatever repo the target package for teh fix lives)?  

Also is it possible to just monitor security updates
from centos site itself since that's the only place a
security update is possible for my site.

> If you have multiple servers yes...if it is only
> one, then the only 
> reason for this would be for inspection or if you
> expect to back it up 
> and do restores of only particular data...then you
> could do the yum 
> updates quite fast and restore smaller parts of the
> server, e.g., /home.

I never thought about the restore implicatons of
having a local yum repository.  thanks for pointing
that out.

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