[lug] 2 more vim questions

karl horlen horlenkarl at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 28 17:11:00 MST 2007

1) In vi/vim, there is a way to reveal/show/print only
the lines that match a certain pattern. 
(alternatively hide all the lines that don't match a

I used to use this a couple of years ago and i can't
figure out how to do it any more.  anybody know how?

also, once you have only the lines you want
displaying, is it easy to just yank or copy those
lines showing as a block/unit?

2) vim does automatic syntax highlighting on my .php
files which is great.  however, i have some php files
withOUT .php extensions that i'd like the php syntax
highlighting applied to.  how do you add a file
extensiion for php syntax highlighting.


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