[lug] Tyan - Typhoon DX-630 Personal Supercomputer ? Good Thing?

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Wed May 9 19:21:34 MDT 2007

gordongoldin at aim.com wrote:
> Anybody use big hunky $20,000 machines? Or know anybody who does?
> We're looking to buy a number cruncher for training acoustic models
> for Natural Language Processing and training voice recognition
> models. This is what we are looking at. Of course the saleman says
> the price is $19,999.99 ;-)

You might get more answers from the SAGE or LOPSA lists.  If you (or 
your admins) aren't a member you should join.  The advice you get will 
easily be worth the cost of membership.

http://sage.org http://lopsa.org


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