[lug] Help installing debian at the install fest?

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Fri Jul 13 18:46:03 MDT 2007

Nate Duehr wrote:
> By the way, a side-note here... /etc/apt/sources.list with "stable",
> or "testing" in them (it wouldn't matter for "unstable") is a bad
> idea. Use the real code-name for the distro you want, after you
> install.

I agree, for stable.  It doesn't matter for testing any more than
unstable and if you use the code name your testing system suddenly
becomes stable (not that that changes the packages at all, you'll just 
wonder after a few weeks why you don't have anything new).

> The reason?   When a new "stable" is released, all the symlinks on
> the mirrors now point on level up from where you were.  "unstable"
> becomes "testing" and a new "unstable is created.

No, testing stays as it was, except that the release freeze ends so a 
bunch of packages that you've been waiting for suddenly become 
available.  But they've been in unstable a while so I haven't seen 
anything serious break.


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