[lug] Firewall / Lockdown questions

Brad Crotchett brad at bradandkim.net
Tue Jul 31 22:02:27 MDT 2007

On Tue, 2007-07-31 at 21:14 -0600, dio2002 at indra.com wrote:
> >
> > 'netstat -an' should show you what local address a service is listening
> > on.
> i thought that was the case.  I got confused with the Foreign Address when
> i saw* thinking that meant LISTENING on any port.
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address               Foreign Address           
>  State
> tcp        0      0      *     LISTEN
> Just to confirm, the Local Address is the port any service is LISTENING
> ON.  It should never change for a given service once established.  Foreign
> Address has nothing to do with what interface a port LISTENS on.  It will
> always be* when the port is LISTENING (waiting for a client) even
> on a service which always listens on localhost interface.  The minute a
> client connects, that value of Foreign Address will be set.  That could be
> or it could be any ip on the interent.
> sound good?

> thanks

Once a connection is made, then 'STATE' changes from 'LISTENING' to
'CONNECTED' and yes the foreign address will show the remote IP address.
One of my most used commands is 'netstat -an|grep LISTEN'.  If I just
started a service then that lets me see if the service successfully
started and is listening properly.  If not, I can start running through
the logs.


Brad Crotchett

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