[lug] OT - Anyone Want a Collection of Old Boardwatch Magazines? (Free)

Bill Thoen bthoen at gisnet.com
Tue Nov 11 13:11:01 MST 2008

I've got to make some space and I've got some old Boardwatch Magazines 
to get rid of. If you're interested in the history of the Internet as it 
was happening, this was the #1 magazine that documented events as the 
BBS world morphed into the ISP world in the early nineties.  The 
collection I've got spans the years 1989 to 1998 with just a few months 
missing, and just for grins I've also got a reproduction of the first 
issue, when it was just a list of the Denver area BBSes.

Anyway, if you're interested let me know. It's free if you come and pick 
it up.

- Bill Thoen
  1401 Walnut St. Suite C
  Boulder, CO  80302

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