[lug] Fwd: [FSF] Volunteers needed in Sandy, Utah next weekend, 10/8-10/10

Davide Del Vento davide.del.vento at gmail.com
Thu Oct 1 15:18:58 MDT 2009

I guess we have just a guy going, but anyway, FYI,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Deborah Nicholson <membership at fsf.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 09:21
Subject: [FSF] Volunteers needed in Sandy, Utah next weekend, 10/8-10/10
To: info-member at fsf.org

The Free Software Foundation is going to have a table at an event in
downtown Sandy , Utah, just south of Salt Lake City on October 8th, 9th
and 10th. I'm writing because we need volunteers to help run the table.

Talking to folks at technology conferences is a great way to help spread
the word about free software and a great way to help us increase our
membership base. And as it turns out, it's also fun!

The tabling hours are 9am - 5pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I'd
like to have one person take on each day, but let me know if you can
only commit for part of the day. I highly recommend volunteering with a
friend, partner, daughter or son -- it makes the tabling experience tons
more fun!

Thursday, October 8th
9am - 5pm

Friday, October 9th
9am - 5pm

Saturday, October 10th
9am - 5pm

Let me know if you've got any questions.

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