[lug] I'm amazed (Lou Puls)

Lou Puls lou.puls at gmail.com
Sat Oct 17 00:00:16 MDT 2009

> On 20091016_074910, Kenneth D. Weinert wrote:
I'm taking some Security Awareness training module here at work which
actually contains the following statement:
The term hacking should not be synonymous with illegal or immoral
activities. To hack a system is simply to modify it (legally or
It's a good start, but note that they leave open the possibility the
hacking is 'immoral'. For some security experts I suppose that hacking
is an alternative life-style, analogous to gay marriage.
Paul E Condon
pecondon at mesanetworks.net

Or heretical in some religionist sense, hence eeevil.  If it is not
illegal, the gray area is "unethical" in any secular, common-sense
viewpoint.  I surely do hope religionism is kept out of digital
security -- its intrusion in politics and the military generates
enough trouble.

lou.puls at gmail.com
"Life is complex -- partially because it has a real part and an imaginary part."

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