[lug] Perl question: how to print embedded metacharacters

Tkil tkil at scrye.com
Sun Nov 29 20:06:09 MST 2009

>>>>> "Tkil" == Tkil <tkil at scrye.com> writes:

Tkil> (Perl 'eval' is also substantially slower than the simple hash
Tkil> lookup I describe below, but the security implications alone are
Tkil> enough to keep me from recommending it.)

>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Nagler <nagler at bivio.biz> writes:

Rob> bOP has been using eval ("do", actually) for about 10 years now.
Rob> I don't think there are any security implications to using eval
Rob> unless your system allows end-users to write files to arbitrary
Rob> locations.  

Or if you're doing server-side processing on behalf of users.  Either
way, using "eval" on any input that isn't completely under one's
control opens up the same security issues as with SQL injection

Rob> Yes, this is security through obscurity, but the "million doors"
Rob> problem is a real phenomenon.

True enough.  But in this case, it seemed fast and cheap enough to do
a minimal job that might still be faster and more secure than 'eval',
so why not?

Rob> I don't think speed is an issue.  The Freikometer [...] could
Rob> have cached the config file, but it turns out that it works just
Rob> fine as it is.

Sure.  And the cost of I/O is much higher than the cost of perl
parsing, so once the config file is in cache, the perl parse is
[relatively] quick.  On the other paw, 1GHz CPUs are still relatively
new to the embedded space, and use more power than a slower CPU -- so
even though absolute "time elapsed" performance might be sufficient,
bringing in other criteria might change that answer.

(And going further down that path gets one coding in C or assembler,
yes.  I know.  :)

Rob> I find it hard to believe that performance would ever be an issue
Rob> with config files, esp. if you are using Perl's eval.

Rob> When in doubt, measure it.  The same is true for security. :)

Apples and oranges, IMHO.  You can define performance (time to render,
time to completion, power/wattage consumed, etc) and then measure and
figure out what's the best tradeoff for your current situation.

Security, on the other paw, is not a closed problem; adversaries come
up with new attacks all the time.  That's why I recommended a "white
list" approach in this case.

Anyway.  Use cases vary, and the amount of time one wants to spend on
analyzing costs also varies.  I'm pretty much done here.  :)

Happy hacking,

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