[lug] Anyone else hate to get rid of old equipment?

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Tue May 25 19:15:34 MDT 2010

Davide Del Vento wrote:
> I am a physicist and I work at NCAR so I must answer. The reality of
> global warming and its cause is indeed certain. Pumping into the
> atmosphere stuff that was in the ground increases the greenhouse
> effect and thus Earth *average* temperature, period.

So where can I go to see the evidence that convinces you that man-made CO2 is causing a continual 
increase in global temperature?

And what's the ozone hole up to these days?

Huh, looks like little change in the past 15 years:


and the biggest hole in 2006: http://ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/.

Can we have our CFCs back?


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