[lug] Questions about Apache, .htaccess, and Basic Authorization

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Sun Dec 19 17:50:28 MST 2010

Ike Arumba wrote:
> Hi All,
> Hope this is appropriate for BLUG, and my apologies if not. I have a lot
> of faith in the expertise of this group, and I havent been able to find
> the answer by grubbing around myself.

GRUB won't tell you anything about Apache.  You should be googling around.  Or perhaps ducking 


> How can I tell, short of running a packet sniffer? (which I have never
> done, and have little confidence I would understand)

If you have no access to the server side you might not have a choice but to look at the packet 
trace.  It isn't that hard: if you see your password anywhere it's not doing what you want.  If you 
really want help trying that come to installfest.



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