[lug] Fwd: [SFS] LPIC-1 Study Group Details

Bear Giles bgiles at coyotesong.com
Thu Jun 26 07:37:05 MDT 2014

Is there ever going to be an LPIC-2 study group?


On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 10:46 PM, David L. Willson <DLWillson at thegeek.nu>

> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: "Gary A. Romero"
> Date:06/25/2014 9:28 PM (GMT-07:00)
> To: sfs
> Subject: [SFS] LPIC-1 Study Group Details
> All,
> The LPIC-1 Study Group will beginning a week from today. Each meeting will
> start promptly at 7pm (MDT) but for those that have a rough time getting
> dinner before hand, I'll have snacks on hand. We have secured DenHac for
> the physical location but as mentioned earlier, if you've signed up for
> Linux Camp or paid the full $99 for the study group, you'll be receiving
> access to attend the study group via SFS's Big Blue Button server remotely.
> The schedule for the study group is listed below, it's aggressive, VERY
> aggressive. You'll notice that there are two weeks at the end with nothing
> scheduled, these are padding. Study groups are fairly fluid and while I'm
> there to lead, guide, and answer questions but I'll not be there to
> lecture... very often.
>   DateChapterTopicChapterTopic07/02/14IntroIntro to LPIC 101 & 102 About
> the Book07/09/141Command Line Tools2Managing Software 07/16/143Configuring
> Hardware4Managing Files07/23/14 5Booting Linux and Editing Files6Configuring
> the X Window System07/30/14 7Administering the System8Basic Networking
> 08/06/149Writing Scripts / Email / Databases 10Secure your System08/13/14
> 08/20/14
> I highly recommend you hop onto the SFS's Big Blue Button Server before
> the sessions begin to make sure you have all the dependencies answered. I
> can say with some assurance that Enlightenment and KDE do not play well
> with BBB and I recommend a different DE be used during the sessions.
> I look forward to seeing you all next week.
> _____________________________________________
> Gary (Garheade) Romero
> SFS Presence Monkey (http://sofree.us)
> Bodhi Linux Documentation Lead (http://bodhilinux.com)
> GARomero at sofree.us
> Cell: 303-895-6696
> _______________________________________________
> Web Page:  http://lug.boulder.co.us
> Mailing List: http://lists.lug.boulder.co.us/mailman/listinfo/lug
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