[lug] Python: Unable to catch subprocess error

Jed S. Baer blug at jbaer.cotse.net
Fri Mar 9 20:01:06 MST 2018

On Fri, 9 Mar 2018 19:34:38 -0700
Davide Del Vento wrote:

> With python the easiest is looking at the source. See
> /usr/lib/python2.7/subprocess.py
> on line 1327 (or previous in the stack trace) and see.

Heh. While I appreciate the suggestion, I'd really like to think that
such would be necessary only in cases of really bizarre constructs. Is it
really not possible to grok the basics from the docs? That's a part of
the thought process behind the scenes. I learned Fortran and Macro-11 by
reading the DEC manuals, and C by reading K&R. (Just 3 examples.) If I'm
going to run into stuff like this all the time in Python, I'll just go
back to Perl (or try something else).

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