[lug] Job Opportunity

Quinn Perkins quinn at netmage.com
Tue Sep 14 18:19:59 MDT 1999

Young, successful Internet marketing and ecommerce company looking 
for enthusiastic individual who is interested in getting in on the 
ground floor of an emerging industry. Looking for someone with a 
strong understanding of DHTML, Javascript, PHP and SQL. Experience 
with Apache web servers, BSD Unix/Linux and the MacOS a plus. Join a 
team of entrepreneurial mavericks who want to shake up the industry 
and the business world. Boulder area. Option to work from home. 
Interested parties should contact Quinn Perkins at quinn at netmage.com.

   +  Quinn Perkins
   +  quinn at netmage.com
   +  netMage Incorporated
   +  http://www.netmage.com
   +  1355 S. Boulder Road Suite F253
   +  Louisville, Colorado 80027 USA
   +  Voice Mail/FAX 303.265.9086
   netMage - Masters of the Arcane Art of Web Marketing
   "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
   - Arthur C. Clark

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