[lug] Your message on the web in April this year

Mrs Jane Ransom bjr at comp.lancs.ac.uk
Tue Sep 21 02:33:31 MDT 1999


I used to use IDMS a lot (as well as ADS-ONLINE).
It was a product of Cullinet in those days.
CA bought out Cullinet in the eighties.
In the late nineties Jasmine appears - a product of CA.

I am now looking into Jasmine and have wondered, on many occasions, just
how much of Jasmine is 'original'.

BTW I loved IDMS.

I know this doesn't answer your question but thought the history may be of

Mrs Jane Ransom	                     E-mail: bjr at comp.lancs.ac.uk
Department of Computing	
Faculty of Applied Sciences        Tele: +44 1524 65201 Ext: 93820  
Lancaster University		
LANCASTER LA1 4YR               Fax:  +44 1524 593608

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