[lug] ANNOUNCEMENT: Boulder.pm is organizing

Walter Pienciak walter at frii.com
Thu Sep 23 13:25:01 MDT 1999

Boulder.pm is pleased to announce its new existence!

We're a new Perl Monger group -- in Boulder, Colorado -- and we're
currently planning our first meeting.  If you're in the area and
are interested, either join our discussion list or stay tuned
for an announcement of the time/location for that meeting.

For further information, including how to subscribe to our
brand spankin' new e-mail discussion list, visit our website at



[This announcement was also posted on Usenet to boulder.general and
 comp.lang.perl.misc.  lug is the mailing list I thought was most
 appropriate.  If you know of another, feel free to repost it --
 as long as it's within the bounds of appropriate use for that list.]

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