[lug] Using consoles

David Outteridge dajo at privatei.com
Wed Sep 29 11:10:00 MDT 1999

Thanks - this is what I wanted.  It all works and I can switch between
the sessions - just what I wanted.  I have to use C-A-f7/f8 rather
than A-f7/f8, I do not know why that is.

Where can I read about this console stuff?


  >>>>> "David" == David Outteridge <dajo at privatei.com> writes:
  David> Yesterday, whilst logged in as myself, I wanted to log in as
  David> root.  Normally I would use su, but this time I did not know
  David> how to start up all the stuff I needed so I wanted to log in
  David> from the login prompt.  I used C-A-f2 and got a login prompt.
  David> The login was ok.  But when I tried to start X it did not work
  David> for the reason that display 0 was already in use.  Can anyone
  David> explain this a little, please?  How do I do it?  Can it be
  David> done?
  sure. You can run as many X sessions as you have memory for. ;)
  When you start the second X session for root, make sure you specify a
  new display...ie:
  xinit -- :1 
  startx -- :1
  The -- tells it to pass the next stuff off to the X server, in this
  case a request that it use display ":1" instead of the default ":0"
  which is already in use by your other session. 
  It should then appear, and will likely be on alt-f8 (the console after 
  your other X session at any rate. 
  David> dajo
  Kevin Fenzi
  MTS, tummy.com, ltd.
  http://www.tummy.com/  KRUD - Kevin's Red Hat Uber Distribution

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