[lug] List Membership Exceeds 300!

Wayde Allen wallen at boulder.nist.gov
Thu Sep 30 15:09:25 MDT 1999

On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Glenn Ashton wrote:

> And I wonder with all this talent and huge amount of people why aren't we
> doing an install fest or community oriented event like our wonderful
> mini-expo?
> I know that we are having the "Uber Convention, Denver" but howabout
> something that is smallish, helpful and friendly- maybe something in
> partnership with a campus group.

That is actually a really good question.  What surprises me is that you
are the only one asking it.

In a nutshell I guess the issue is volunteers.  All of the activities of
this group are based off of the efforts of people willing to volunteer
their time and energy to make things happen.  These kinds of activities
occur when someone like you, asks a question like this, and people step up
to the plate to make them happen.  The questions from my point of view
are, whether the group wants to do this, and who wants to volunteer to put
it together? 

Typically there are about 20 people in the group who have consistently
volunteered to keep things going.  Right now the energy of many of these
people is being consumed by the creation of the Colorado Linux Information
Quest (CLIQ) or what you called the "Ueber Convention, Denver".  What we
really need, is to find more people who want to get involved. 

> The list is great, and I'd never want anyone to take this suggestion as a
> criticism of the wonderful things that Blug has done, is doing and will
> do, but I think something fun, small scale and helpful really evokes the
> spirit of the Linux community.
> Just some random thoughts.  Gnu/Linux is about community as much as it
> is about technology.

Oh, no criticism taken, and I'd have to say that I agree with you.  I've
even got a few questions of my own.  

For instance, I often wonder if perhaps we should consider trying to have
an election of officers again?  The last time I tried to hold an election
most of the people at the meeting simply left.  I haven't tried it since. 
However, I worry that the current mode of operation as a (hopefully)
benevolent dictatorship stifles some of the change and creativity that a
rotating or elected management system might provide.  I also wonder if
this would keep the energy level higher.  Keep in mind that for me, the
second Thursday of each month since I formed this group in 1995 has
belonged to BLUG.  These days I'm a lot less likely to pick up the ball
unless I've got some help.

I guess my biggest question is how do we all want things to run this next
year?  Do we keep the status quo, or is it time to make a few changes?  I
don't mind keeping things going, but I don't want to bore the troops
either.  If we want to do some things like you are suggesting we need to
get people working on them. 

- Wayde
  (wallen at boulder.nist.gov)

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