[lug] Why Not Upgrade? (Was: Forwarding or routing question)

Brian L. Moore bmoore at fsl.noaa.gov
Tue Oct 12 10:32:34 MDT 1999

Michael Deck wrote:

> What keeps me back is the worry that somehow my configuration *just barely*
> works, and it only works because of some quirk in 5.2, and if I upgrade to
> 6.0/KRUD it'll never work again. Or, that in upgrading some of the
> configuration changes will be stomped and I won't know it. I could backup
> /etc and /var but where else is config stored?
> What would you say to convince me that there's nothing to fear?

Nothing... :)

I've been running RedHat since the 4.1 days, and every time I've upgraded,
somthing has broken.

I'll usually do an upgrade of minor releases (5.1 to 5.2), but I
always do a clean install with major releases (5.X to 6.0).  Sometimes
I'll do a clean install at other points, too, when things are really
messed up and need to be started over.

Even if you upgrade and break things, it'll be a learning experience
in putting it all back together, and maybe you'll even find new and
better ways to get things working that you hadn't found in the past.

Good luck,

Brian Moore, Network Manager                e-mail: bmoore at fsl.noaa.gov
NOAA Forecast Systems Lab                   phone:  (303) 497-6289
R/FS2  325 Broadway                         fax:    (303) 497-7259
Boulder, CO  80303                          http://www.fsl.noaa.gov/~bmoore/

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