[lug] CU Miniexpo/ Installfest Update

Ferdinand P. Schmid fschmid at archenergy.com
Fri Nov 5 09:24:36 MST 1999

I am still willing to help on Saturday, Nov. 20th.  But I can't make it to this
meeting.  Since our T-1 was down for about 24 hours the first message regarding this
meeting is the one below.

Let me know what you need for that day.  I can bring my PC (Cyrix-233 with RH-6.0,
Netscape, maybe StarOffice, Gimp, ...).  Not exciting but it works and can be used
for demos.  I can also bring a NIC to network it, if needed.
This PC has a LS-120 drive, if people can't believe how simple it is to get these
cheapo high capacity drives to run.

Please keep me posted via e-mail,

Glenn Ashton wrote:

> On Tue, 2 Nov 1999, John Edwards wrote:
> >       Ok, all this is getting nowhere.
> Actually, it's getting somewhere if we make a decision.
> >       Let's say, either Friday, or Sunday, at 6 or 7pm, at the Dark Horse
> > (haven't been there in ages).
> >       I'm not available any of the other days.
> O.K., without objection the meeting will be Sunday at 6pm at the Dark
> Horse in Boulder.
> >       By the way, do we have computers we can use to demo Installs on?  We may
> > need one or two.  If someone has a spare monitor, I MIGHT have a 486 we can
> > remove Win95 from  and install.  I think it would be a cool thing to do.
> > I've never installed on anything but my 200 desktop, but I'm told it can be
> > done.
> I have a Pentium II that I can sacrifice to the cause.  Might be fun to
> actually get the sound card working...
> -Glenn Ashton
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Ferdinand Schmid
(Staff Engineer)

Architectural Energy Corporation
2540 Frontier Avenue, Suite 201
Boulder, CO 80301
Phone: (303) 444-4149
Fax: (303) 444-4304
e-mail: mailto:fschmid at archenergy.com

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