[lug] question about dhcpd & dhcpcd

arnie asherman1 at uswest.net
Fri Nov 5 14:16:51 MST 1999

I am indeed using US West.net & the Cisco 675 external. Thanks for the info,
I'll be digging into it this weekend. The 675 is already set up for win95, and
working well.
I want it to work w/ my favorite OS, too :)

I appreciate the responses from several list members... many thanx
arnie sherman
frenomulax at bigfoot.com

"Paradise is exactly like where you are right now, only much, much better."
   - Laurie Anderson

geo-lincs wrote:

> I set up DSL on our server without dhcpd. If your access is through
> USWest.net and you're using a Cisco 675 (quite an assumption on my part),
> then the following config should work:
> Set up Cisco 675 exactly as described in manual (ppp mode, not bridge mode).
> Make sure Linux recognizes your ethernet card and what it will be called
> (mine's eth1)
> The following root incantations got it up and running:
>      # ifconfig eth1 netmask up
>      # route add -net netmask eth1
>      # route add default gw eth1
> The DHCP server on the Cisco 675 *always* assigns the ethernet card
> I think USWest set it up that way because it's so easy to set up
> under Windows.
> If you're not using USWest.net, then this is the long way of saying "I don't
> know". But I hope this helps.
> -geo

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