[lug] BLUG 99 CU Linux Installfest

Ralf Mattes rm at ns.aura.de
Wed Nov 10 09:43:21 MST 1999

On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Pedersen, Michael J wrote:

> Unfortunately, I'm a true hater of electronic documentation.  I can read it,
> I can use it, but for the first read, I prefer the dead tree version.  I
> usually get much more out of it than I do the electronic version.  After the
> first read, e-versions work great for references, though.

I'm too, in fact. But the Online version of the DocBook-book does make
a much needed reference for all those tags.

> Part of my reason for switching from LaTeX to SGML is that the LaTeX2html
> conversion utility isn't picking up paragraph breaks properly for me.  Means
> that all my nicely done paragraphs come as one big blob of html text, which
> is hard to read.
> Docbook seems overly complex soemtimes, though.  While quite nice, it
> requires so many extra tags to get anything done that it's quite
> frustrating, especially when converting a big LaTeX document to it.

Yes, i agree. Have you checked out the 'light'version of DocBook. It seems
to me that this is a good compromise between the tag-overkill of DocBook
and writing your own DTD (even so that's what i ended up doing for some
of our documentation).


|                                     |                             |==
| Ralf Mattes                         | rm at schauinsland.com         |==
| Programming, Administration         | rm at ns.aura.de               |==
|                                     |                             |==

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