[lug] Linux FileServer Problems

Michael Deck deckm at cleansoft.com
Tue Nov 16 00:53:45 MST 1999


At 12:47 PM 11/15/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Michael> sector.  Any thoughts on what to do to make this thing
>Michael> bootable?
>humm...sounds like a bios bug.
>Several things to try:
>- make sure that the disk is hda (so it's the first disk) and see if
>   the bios can load it then.
>- The error you were seeing was really "no operating system found"?
>   That isn't in any of the lilo docs I have. Was it getting to a lilo
>   prompt even? or just in the bios?
>- It might be a addressing issue. Does your bios have options for
>   LBA/Large disk support? Try changing those around...

There's a few things I didn't tell you :) This drive was originally 
installed into a machine that didn't have a translating BIOS, so it 
originally had ON-TRACK. The machine it's going into now definitely has LBA 
so I told it to use LBA. I could try turning that off, and seeing if it 
finds the software LBA fix on the HDD. But I thought that I'd used this 
once in a machine that *did* have LBA and I was pretty sure I'd wiped that 
thing off the drive.

The message was "no operating system found," i.e. it's not finding LILO. No 
part of the LILO prompt was displaying, just that one message after it 
tried to hit the HDD.

I can swap master/slave on that string -- right now the CDROM is master and 
the HDD is slave. Is that the problem?

>Michael> Ok, that's problem cluster #1.
>Michael> Now, I want to have SAMBA share the 2 Windows HDD's with 5
>Michael> total partitions, but without reformatting or any of that
>Michael> jive. So I plug in the IDE cable and fire it up. I say
>Michael> mkdir /mnt/cdrive chmod 777 /mnt/cdrive mount /dev/hdc1
>Michael> /mnt/cdrive
>Michael> but it's mounted read-only. I've tried a lot of mount options
>Michael> to see if I can make it rw, or even accessible to a group
>Michael> other than root, but it won't let me. So I've got SAMBA
>Michael> sharing these puppies read-only but not read-write. I'd like
>Michael> to put script in rc.local so that the shares are mounted at
>Michael> boot time, read-write to everyone on the network. (It's
>Michael> firewalled). Suggestions?
>Are they FAT16 or FAT32 partitions?
>If it's fat32, you might have to explicitly tell it to use vfat
>instead of fat...ie:
>mount -t vfat -o rw /dev/hdc1 /mnt/cdrive

This is an ugliness too. I think that one of the drives is FAT16, the other 
registers as linux file type 'b', Win95. That was new to me.

Michael Deck
Cleanroom Software Engineering, Inc.   

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