[lug] Linux Boot LOST

Alan Robertson alanr at bell-labs.com
Sat Nov 27 08:42:10 MST 1999

> David Willcox wrote:
> I have installed Linux 6.0 on more than one hardrive (Some in different
> systems and some in same system)
> > and when BOOTing SOME of them in say another box SOME OF THEM wil not boot.
> I just got thru installing Linux on a 10GB hardrive and I have SAME
> problem.This time after installing it congratulated me on installing and told
> me to reboot. Is it the
> Size of my Partitions?
>  /boot = 25mb
>  /tmp  = 127 mb
>  swap  = 100 mb
>  /         = 6.5 GB
> and I leave about 3 to 4 GB open Free space that I don't use. But I'm Not
> messing
> around with a Windows Partition either.
>  I used auto-detect and  the only way I can boot it by 3 1/2" boot disk that I
> made for that drive.  My question is how do I get Lilo back or SET so it is
> ok that I'm
> > now not able to boot?
> Thanks for your help and I'm sorry if I didn't make this clear last time,

Are each of these alternate drives visible from the BIOS?  That is, does the
BIOS know they're there and what size they are?

	-- Alan Robertson
	   alanr at bell-labs.com

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