[lug] Postgresql
Tim Fredrick
fredrick at acd.ucar.edu
Wed Dec 1 11:07:02 MST 1999
Hello! I'm not sure if this is helpful, but a few web sites that
helped me get started were:
http://www.php.net/d (php3 helps you build a web front-end)
Basically, I had to do these steps to get started
(as root)
su - postgres
createuser fredrick (that's me :-) -- answer yes to all of the questions)
su - fredrick
psql template1 (now I can list the databases)
template1=> create database desktops
template1=> \c desktops
template1=> create table acd (netname char(30), description char(30), ip char(16)
, room char(10), acdsection char(20), acdgroup char(10), user char(20), os1 char
(10), os2 char(10), os3 char(10), installdate char(12), updatedate char(12), dis
ks char(40), ram char(10), cpu char(10), speed char(10), monitor char(20), graph
ics char(20), periphs char(40), mfg char(15), model char(15), serial char(20), p
pe char(20), systype char(20));
Once a table (in my case "acd") has been created within the database
(in my case "desktops") then the psql command "\d acd" will display the
fields and types.
I'm not a Postgres expert and have long since forgotten the specifics of
how I got our database working, but these were from my notes and I was
thinking they might help you get started.
Thanks. --Tim
> Hello,
> Can someone help me? I am relatively new to Linux. I have a single
> computer up and running. I can print, mount various devices etc. I have
> tried unsuccessfully to make Postgresql work. I have gotten a variety of
> error messages. Is the Postmaster running Unix Socket 5432. Postgres does
> not know where the data base is. I have tried to create my on database
> with much the same results. Where is the database that it is looking for.
> Perhaps I do not have enough base information to even have a handle on the
> situation. I found a set of instructions on how to install Postgresql. I
> tried to follow those instructions and was greated with is the postmaster
> running Unix Socket 5432. Where is this and how do I configure it. I have
> chased my tail aroung in circles looking for a way to correc the error
> messaes with no avail. Is there any help for me or am I trying to bite off
> more than I can chew with my limited knowledge?
> Thank you to any one who can steer me in to the proper direction.
> Tim Porter.
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