[lug] Framemaker for Linux!

Ralf Mattes rm at ns.aura.de
Thu Dec 16 13:21:15 MST 1999

On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Andrew Gilmore wrote:

> /. just posted that Adobe has come out with a beta of Framemaker for Linux!
> All I can say is: AWESOME!
> At this point, I could give up the Ultra 5 I have on my desk for a Linux
> machine and not miss anything! WAY COOL!
> Here's the url:
> http://www.adobe.com/products/framemaker/fmlinux.html
> Andrew

Andrew, you made my christmas (and birthday!). I was about to
buy FramMaker for Windows (my old Mac gave up :-( 
and a new Win-Box just for this one program. This will make
work on a lot of projects so much more pleasing :-)

|                                     |                             |==
| Ralf Mattes                         | rm at schauinsland.com         |==
| Programming, Administration         | rm at ns.aura.de               |==
|                                     |                             |==

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