[lug] software

Jeff Francis jfrancis at frii.com
Wed Dec 29 21:43:22 MST 1999

  Try 'predict' and 'sattrack'.  Personally, I think sattrack is a
nicer piece of software, but the licensing annoys me.  sattrack can be
found at www.bester.com (if memory serves).  I'm not sure where to
find predict.  I think I got it from www.amsat.org.

On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 07:04:04PM -0700, llornkcor wrote:
> Any of you scientific types have any links to satellite tracking software
> similiar to traksat for DOS, for linux? Preferable open source, but shareware
> would be ok.
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|     Jeff Francis - KC0BWS     |                                    | Ack!   |
|      Sr. Systems Engineer     |                                    | ____/| |
|    Nortel Networks / Shasta   |     You cannot strengthen the      | \ o.O| |
|     Denver, CO USA DM79nr     |       weak by weakening the        |  =(_)= |
| 39d43m16.4s N  104d52m10.7s W |              strong.               |    U   |
|       jfrancis at frii.com       |                       --Unknown    |        |
| http://www.frii.com/~jfrancis |                                    | PRR... |
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