[lug] sending log files to another machine

Ralf Mattes rm at ns.aura.de
Wed Jan 12 16:46:50 MST 2000

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Gary Masters wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, William Jarosko Jr. wrote:
> > 
> > Gary, as for rsync and the like, I was under the impression, only use r
> > commands if your system isn't connected to anything outside of your location
> > and even then it's a bad idea, from a security stand point anyway.
> > 
> As Kevin mentioned, you'd want to conduct these 'r' commands via ssh.
> > I really hadn't thought of ftp, I guess I could login to the remote as a non
> > priv. user so files can't be deleted. hmmm...   Thanks
> > 

I don't know whether this was mentioned before, but why don't you 
send your logging to a remote host via syslog. Since many (most?)
of the network/security servers can log to syslog this seems to be
a good solution. just add:

 auth.*;auth-priv.*;security.*	@my.log.host

to /etc/syslog.conf. That's all (and make shure you run syslogd with
the '-r' option to enable logging of remote servers (and of course
block the port with ipfwadm or ipchains for anything not belonging
to your network)).


|                                     |                             |==
| Ralf Mattes                         | rm at schauinsland.com         |==
| Programming, Administration         | rm at ns.aura.de               |==
|                                     |                             |==

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