[lug] re: Tossing out ideas

John Starkey jstarkey at polaris.umuc.edu
Wed Jan 26 12:08:59 MST 2000

I've read all of your installments today. They're great. I've forwarded a
couple to my girlfriends acct since I just started converting her HP to Linux.



Wayde Allen wrote:

> On Tue, 25 Jan 2000, Hugh Brown wrote:
> > How basic do you want to go?
> I think these need to be fairly basic.  The idea is to get the simple and
> necessary commands and ideas out there and let people expand the
> discussion to meet their needs and/or interests.
> > Do want help writing them up?
> Most definitely!  I've started recirculating the articles I ran on the
> list a while back.  I believe there are three more installments.  I'll wait
> until next week to continue.
> After that though I'd kind of like some help.  I'm not
> sure how to organize this though.  After all, we don't want everyone to
> submit a "command of the week" kind of e-mail at the same time.  I
> think it would be more effective if everyone could have a chance to read,
> understand, and comment on just one article at a time.  My current thought
> is just to take volunteers and assign weeks in successive order.
> - Wayde
>   (wallen at boulder.nist.gov)
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