[lug] Re: password protecting individual pages

Hugh Brown hugh at math.byu.edu
Fri Jan 28 10:04:40 MST 2000

Nothing like responding to your own post

AuthUserfile /somewhere/.htpasswd
AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName "Hugh's test"
AuthType basic
<Files prof1.html>
require user prof1
<Files prof2.html>
require user prof2
<Files prof3.html>
require user prof3

Hugh Brown wrote:
> Does anyone know how to password protect individual pages with apache?
> For example,
> I have one directory named faculty.  In the directory I have files named
> prof1.html, prof2.html, ...
> Professor #1 should only be able to see prof1.html and no one else's
> page.  Ditto for everyone else.  So how could I set up password
> protection on a per file basis?
> Hugh

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