[lug] ip_masquarading

Jeff Howell howeljs at louisville.stortek.com
Wed Feb 2 09:08:00 MST 2000

I've been wrestling with a performance issue with masquarding.
When playing quake3 (the ip_masquarade_quake is loaded) I'm getting terrible
performance. The game is pretty much unplayable. My masquarading box
is running 2.2.13 on a p166 W/32M ram. It's connected via 28.8 connection
(gotta love UselessWest). If I pull the modem out of the masq. box and put
it in my gaming rig and connect. I get a Ping of 280, which is playable.

I was considering modifying the source of the ip_masquarde_quake.c file to
use the ports that quake3 uses (27960).

Any other suggestions? I can't find any documentation for that module and there's
no notes in it's .c file either.
 Jeff Howell
 EDS Unix Support
 Got Source?

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