[lug] Re: newbie how-to's

Wayde Allen wallen at boulder.nist.gov
Wed Feb 9 14:55:02 MST 2000

On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, bill ehlert wrote:

> these newbie how-to's are terrific.  but i see a
> big gap between them and the sorts of things i see
> discussed on the two lug lists i'm on (blug, clue).
> clue had a meeting last night (which i didn't make)
> at which one of the presentations was on "basic
> linux system administration".
> any chance you could work up one, or several,
> newbie how-to's in that area??

Yes, we are working in that direction.  I originally started these
postings as part of an weekly posting internal to NIST, and the purpose at
that time was to try to give people a bit of background as to why things
are done the way they are in Unix.  I'd like to keep these going if at all
possible.  This will, however require the participation from interested
people in the group.  I don't suppose you have a particular area of
interest or would be willing to write one of these short articles?

As far as last night's CLUE presentation goes, I think that was Kevin
Fenzi's talk on firewalling and system security.  We've had both Kevin
Fenzi and Sean Reifschneider give these talks at BLUG in the past.  Maybe
it is time to consider repeating them?  

I am looking for speakers for this years meetings.  In particular I'd like
to find someone to talk about login scripts (.login, .cshrc, .profile,
etc.).  Is there anyone out there who would be willing to give a talk
about this?  

I'm also open to other suggestions, but remember that a suggestion doesn't
imply that I've immediately got someone in the wings to talk on the topic. 
If you've got someone who can actually give the talk or would be willing
to volunteer yourself that works better.  We could also try holding some
"Keep it Simple" sessions if there is interest, but that conversation
seems to have died out.

- Wayde
  (wallen at boulder.nist.gov)

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