[lug] Linux and Win98 Partition

Jeff Howell howeljs at louisville.stortek.com
Mon Feb 21 10:48:39 MST 2000

David Willcox wrote:
> Hi out there,
> I'm need to know what the best way I should
> partition my 13GB hardrive using win98 and linux
> 6.1 and i'm asking because I need to be able to use
> Lilo from the harddrive instead of on floppy.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks ahead,
> David Willcox :-)

Well partition is a lot personal choice, the only rule is that you have
to have the first setor of each bootable partition under cylinder 1024.

I like to have /boot as the first partition, followed by the fat32x partition,
then the rest of my Linux partitions in a logical partition. This method probably
hurts my performance a bit as my linux partitions are closer to the center of the
physical disk, but as Linux generally isn't reading from your disk constantly,
that's not an issue for me. Some people like to put SWAP and /boot first in before
the fat32x partition for performance gains. (Higher linear velocity at the edge of the
disk gives faster IO)

Good luck and have fun!
 Jeff Howell
 EDS Unix Support
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