[lug] Alpha install

Ryan Kirkpatrick rkirkpat at nag.cs.colorado.edu
Fri Mar 17 07:18:14 MST 2000

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Michael J. Hammel wrote:

> Compaq is donating Alpha's for our registration system for CLIQ.  The first
> box I got was an old Digital Server 5000 Model 5305.  I have RH5.2/Alpha
> but it doesn't look like this version of the Alpha is supported.  I can't
> figure out how to use either Milo or SRM on this box (I suspect Milo is
> the option to use, but don't know what image to use from the CD).

	Don't know anything specificly about that Alpha, but some good
resources are www.alphalinux.org and the axp-redhat mailing list hosted by
RedHat. The former has lots of good reference information and faqs, and
the latter has some very helpful people who can answer about any
Linux/Alpha related question in a very short amount of time.

> They may have a DS10 for us to use instead.  Red Hat lists the DS10 as
> supported and certified, so it should work.  My question is:  does anyone
> on this list have experience loading the Alphas with Red Hat and could
> spare some time to help us load them?  I think once I see how its done I
> should be able to load the other boxes (6 others coming on Monday),
> although I don't know right now if those are Intel or Alpha class boxes.

	DS10 install shouldn't be too bad, as it has been done quite a few
times and is a pretty common one. Though I don't speak from personal
exprience (only ever installed on a UDB and XLT), so YMMV. I would be more
than glad to help you install Linux on the Alphas, but I am in East Texas
at school right now, which would make it a bit of a drive...
	Hope this is of some help. TTYL.

|   "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain."                    |
|                                            --- Philippians 1:21 (KJV)   |
|   Ryan Kirkpatrick  |  Boulder, Colorado  |  http://www.rkirkpat.net/   |

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