[lug] Re: Still problems with BLUG addresses
Wayde Allen
wallen at boulder.nist.gov
Fri Apr 21 09:20:58 MDT 2000
On Thu, 20 Apr 2000, Bob Collins wrote:
> I am sending this note so you can help me fix my BLUG address problem.
I've included a copy of your mail header below. It seems that the line
"Sender: bob at BCollins.AtHome" is the culprit. I'd have to check, but I'm
pretty certain that most people don't have a "Sender:" line. Anyway, I'd
be willing to bet that if you can either eliminate this or set it to
bcollins at csd.net that would fix the problem.
From bcollins at csd.net Fri Apr 21 09:15:17 2000
Received: from central.bldrdoc.gov (central [])
by tigger.boulder.nist.gov (8.9.3/8.9.3/Debian/GNU) with ESMTP id WAA04596
for <wallen at tigger.boulder.nist.gov>; Thu, 20 Apr 2000 22:05:17 -0600
Received: from orb (duel.boulder.nist.gov [])
by central.bldrdoc.gov (8.9.3/8.9.2) with SMTP id VAA09678
for <wallen at boulder.nist.gov>; Thu, 20 Apr 2000 21:53:45 -0600 (MDT)
Received: from 56ppp75.csd.net ([]) by
orb.boulder.nist.gov; Thu, 20 Apr 2000 21:53:45 +0000 (MST)
Received: from csd.net (bob at localhost [])
by BCollins.AtHome (8.9.3/8.9.3/SuSE Linux 8.9.3-0.1) with ESMTP id VAA02739;
Thu, 20 Apr 2000 21:53:35 -0600
>>>> Sender: bob at BCollins.AtHome <<<<< This seems to be the problem
Message-ID: <38FFD082.D7BA1572 at csd.net>
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 21:52:35 -0600
From: Bob Collins <bcollins at csd.net>
Reply-To: "[lug]" <lug at lug.boulder.co.us>
Organization: BC Consulting
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To: "[lug]" <lug at lug.boulder.co.us>
CC: Wayde Allen <wallen at boulder.nist.gov>
Subject: Still problems with BLUG addresses
<Pine.LNX.3.96.991129111142.15107V-100000 at tigger.boulder.nist.gov>
<3844AC7B.CA94B7CF at csd.net>
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- Wayde
(wallen at boulder.nist.gov)
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