[Re: [lug] DSL question]

PC Drew drewpc at colorado.edu
Sun Apr 23 17:29:01 MDT 2000

Thus spake Justin on Sunday, April 23, 2000, 11:22:59 AM:

J> My cisco comes setup in bridging mode already. From what I understand after
J> reading the Cisco docs and stuff is that I don't need to set anything up on
J> the router. For one the cisco can't do any 'routing' functions in bridging
J> mode unless I setup a management VC. Does this sound correct?

Who's your ISP?  US West uses PPP, not bridging.  Most ISPs around
here, I thought, used PPP too.

J> I'm very aware of the type of probing my box will undergo. I had cable modem
J> for about a year in my old house with a static ip and I didn't go a day
J> without a portscan or telnet attempt, etc. I'm pretty confident on the
J> security of my router box, however, I also know that nothing is 100% secure so
J> I'm ready for anything that could happen. Thanks again for the help.

If you're using PPP, then port scans can't occur on any of your boxes,
because it's not possible for someone to get in from the outside
unless you've setup port forwarding.  If possible, try to use PPP!

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