[Re: [Re: [lug] DSL question]]

Justin glowecon at netscape.net
Sun Apr 23 23:10:34 MDT 2000

>Archer Sully <archer at meer.net> wrote:
> Except for one thing:  Everything that the Cisco 675 does, Linux
> does better.  And it does more.  And it has a modicum of security,
> which the 675 has none of.
> Its one thing to use a real Cisco in a real network situation, but 
> even then you back up the router with a dual homed machine to 
> perform more sophisticated/auditable functions than you can with
> a router.
> And just in case anyone isn't getting the point:  when you hook
> everything up through the router all of your hosts are now on
> the internet, with no effective firewall.  Keep that in mind.
> -- archer

This is why I am asking so many questions about the Cisco router. I read in
the manual that it can support 10 filter rules which is nothing compared to
what my linux firewall has. I *think* for my purpose just using the Cisco in
bridging mode will work fine. Then masq all my other machines through the
Linux box as opposed to hooking my Cisco into the hub and using it's built in
dhcp/nat/filtering features. I hope I am grasping all this correctly, this is
my first time using a router of this sort so forgive me if I sounded retarded
earlier  :)  Thanks again for all teh help guys...


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