[lug] trouble posting to mailing list(s)

David Emile Lamy delamy at uswest.net
Thu May 18 15:34:22 MDT 2000

On Thu, 18 May 2000, Wayde Allen wrote:

> On Thu, 18 May 2000, David Emile Lamy wrote:
> > You can use Pine to access your isp's pop server directly.  Go to the Main
> > menu, choose Setup, then Config and enter:
> > 
> > {your.pop.server.here/pop3}inbox
> > 
> > in the inbox-path = field.
> Hmmm are you sure it supports POP?  I was fairly certain that it would do
> IMAP, but I was not sure about POP.  I fought with this several years ago,
> so my memory of the battle is pretty fuzzy.  In the end, I finally
> switched to fetchmail and had no more problems.

Yes, I am sure Pine supports POP, because of my use of Pine to log onto
POP servers for the past three years.

My tip comes from the documentation for Pine.


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(*)/ (*) David Emile Lamy             delamy at uswest.net
	 pgp key available at http://pgp5.ai.mit.edu/~bal

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