[lug] toshiba laptop

David Emile Lamy delamy at uswest.net
Fri Jun 16 11:38:02 MDT 2000

On Thu, 15 Jun 2000, ljp wrote:

> Anybody have experience or suggestions on getting X to work on a Toshiba
> Satellite laptop?
> :o)
> LP

Go to Toshiba's website to ensure that you have the correct video chip
set, then use XF86Setup and when you get to the video chip set setup
section allow XF86Setup to probe.

I have set up two older Toshiba Satellite 420CDTs in this fashion with
Debian on one and Redhat on the other.  XF86Setup is the default X install
program for Debian.  For Redhat, XF86Setup is not the default X install
program, so set up X after installing Redhat without X.  

   __o   Obviously, as of Jun 16, any further correspondence with 
 _`\<,_  this writer is futile!  But, if you insist:
(*)/ (*) David Emile Lamy             delamy at uswest.net
         pgp key available at http://pgp5.ai.mit.edu/~bal

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