[lug] Thanks, and more newbie requests

llornkcor ljp at llornkcor.com
Sat Jul 8 15:06:33 MDT 2000

>          I actually found that the email client that comes with KDE is 
> fairly nice.  I don't know if it has all the features that you need, since 
> I don't use it much at all because I'm still learning and haven't made 
> fully the break from Win)
>          Anyway, as far as a newreader, from my experience, you're out of 
> luck.  I have NOT found anything to equal the power and ease of use for 
> Agent, or, for that matter Free Agent (yes, folx, I actually went and paid 
> for it).  The best suggestion people seem to have for a newsreader is to 
> use Netscape's piece of crap (sorry all Netscape users, but that's my opinion).
>          Anyway, there are a few, KDE's look's nice, but unfortunately, it 
> doesn't support (or didn't, as of 6 months ago) support password 
> authentication to log into you're news server, which prevent's me from 
> making use of it.  None that I've found do this at all.
>          If you use Star Office, it has a built in new and mail 
> client.  Both look identical, but again, I haven't played around with them 
> much.

Actually, there's kexpress, and knewsreader (KRN) that both use
authentication (earthlink.net). I am using kexpress right now. Both
of them are sorta _klunky, but work. KRN is a little bit better,
in my estimation. Of course, there is always my old standy- emacs
and gnus.


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