[lug] Securing email from M$ Exchange...

Wayde Allen wallen at boulder.nist.gov
Tue Jul 11 14:03:04 MDT 2000

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Nate Duehr wrote:

> And what does this have to do with the Boulder ***LINUX*** Users Group?
> On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 07:42:07AM -0600, Brian Jarrett wrote:
> > My company uses MS Exchange as their email server.  I'm currently running

OK guys, you ***DO*** need to read this fellows whole message.  He was
wondering if, in his particular MS environment, he would be able to make
use of Linux to solve a security issue.  How about trying to answer his
question? That could go a long way towards showing how Linux can both work
with MS-Windows and/or do something as good or better. 

The relevant snippet of the original post is:

   My problem is this...  I've noticed
   that the email stored on the exchange server is available to be read by
   anyone that had administrative access and I want to keep a few of these
   individuals from reading my mail since there is usually some
   confidential material in there. 

   What I was hoping to do was just encrypt all of the mail that's sitting
   on the Exchange server, that way I could keep all of my routing rules
   up. Since then I also thought it might be nice to have all of my emails
   going to a ***LINUX MACHINE*** that I would set up and set my own
   security.  I would still want the capability of having the emails
   partitioned off into different areas.  I can send email out through our
   Exchange server as long as it's from our Class C (and it would be.)

Also, please don't worry, if someone starts posting non-linux related
stuff to the list I will contact them about it!  I kind of figure that is
my duty.  There is actually more of these off topic posts than you are
aware of.  One of the recent posts dealt with hair curlers of some sort!

Also please remember that people make mistakes, and that once you've got
an e-mail in your box neither the sender nor I can remove it.  Just delete
it and go on.  If you've got to vent, send an e-mail to me in private.
Otherwise, posting gripes like this to the list tend to make mountains out
of mole hills, and erodes peoples interest in asking questions or sharing

- Wayde
  (wallen at boulder.nist.gov)

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