[lug] anyone know how to play Window Media on Linux?

llornkcor ljp at llornkcor.com
Wed Jul 26 17:51:34 MDT 2000

On Wed, 26 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> One of the things I'll really miss here in Denver when I move to Houston is
> KBCO.  They've recently added Windows Media streaming but no RealAudio.  I
> sent them email to ask for it and they said they were looking into it.
> In the meantime, does anyone know of a way I can play that Windows Media
> audio stream on a Linux box?   Its funny - I'm moving to Houston to be with
> my girlfriend who has now started to listen to KBCO religously at work
> (Houston stations suck), but I won't be able to.  :-(  
> -- 

I have heard that the windows media player can be used with wine,
but I can't confirm that. Not sure how well it'll work, either.  I
doubt there will ever be a linux version. I think a better format
for streaming audio is mp3. Ask them to stream mp3. I think it
sounds a wholelot better (on my 56 k modem) than either real
format, or window media. Seems to buffer better, and hasn't the
stuttering problems the other have. But then again, it could be
servers load more than the format.


KGNU streams with Real, if you like that Boulder station. I get a
static-less sound when I listen to the internet stream. 

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