[lug] MEAS Data file format

Wayde Allen wallen at boulder.nist.gov
Fri Aug 11 13:21:43 MDT 2000

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, Ken Weinert wrote:

> Nice idea - elegant solution to the problem.
> The only extension that you might want to think about is allowing an
> optional name after #BEGIN_TEST and #BEGIN_DATA to allow for named sets.
> I wouldn't require the name for the corresponding #ENDs because that
> implies that you can interleave them (or include a dataset inside
> another dataset) which is definately a bad idea.
> Named sets might be easier to refer to if you have multiples in the file
> and make it much easier for a program to extract a particular set.
> This may not be functionality you need now, but I think it'd be good to
> plan for.

Very good suggestion, I hadn't thought of that!

- Wayde
  (wallen at boulder.nist.gov)

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